Thursday, May 29, 2014

Healthy Dessert - Cinnamon Apples with Greek Vanilla Yogurt

Healthy Dessert - Cinnamon Apples with Greek Vanilla Yogurt
(serves 4)

3 big red sweet Apples
1.5 tablespoons cinnamon
1,5 tablespoon Sweetener of your choice
2 cups fat free Greek vanilla Yogurt

1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.
2. Peel the apples and cut them in thin slices (same size to cook evenly).
3. Spray PAM in an oven pan and add the sliced apples.
4. Coat with sweetener and cinnamon, toss.
5. Bake in the oven for 30-35min until the apples are soft.
 6. Serve with fat free Vanilla Greek Yogurt!

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