Thursday, June 19, 2014

Healthy Zucchini "Pizza"

Healthy Zucchini "Pizza"
(1 big zucchini split in 2 lengths)

1 big Zucchini
Olive oil
1/2 cup skimmed Mozzarella cheese
Grape Tomatoes

Tomato sauce
1 big ripe Tomato
1 clove of Garlic
1 tbsp tomato Paste
1 tbsp Oregano
Salt and Pepper

1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.
2. Cut the zucchini in half lengthwise and trim a little bit off the bottom so that it sits still. Place in a baking dish
3.. Brush the surface with olive oil, salt and pepper. Bake in the oven for 15min.
4. Remove the seeds from the tomato. Prepare the tomato sauce by mixing all the ingredients together in a food processor.
5. Remove the zucchini from the oven, add tomato sauce, Mozzarella cheese and toppings. Bake in the oven for another 15min.
6. Serve!

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