Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Dill Marinated Salmon with a Cold Swedish Mustard and Dill Sauce.

Dill Marinated Salmon with a Cold Swedish Mustard and Dill Sauce.
(3-4 servings)

1 pound salmon filet with skin
1/3 cup extra virgin Olive Oil
1 tablespoon Honey
1/2 cup fresh Dill
 1/4 cup Soy Sauce
1 tablespoon Rice Vinegar
1 clove fresh Garlic, minced
Peppers in different colors

1. In a bowl, whisk together the soy sauce, honey, vinegar, garlic, salt and pepper. Mix in the dill. Pour into a deep bowl that fits the salmon, marinate the salmon serving side down into the marinade. Let stand at room temperature for 30 minutes. 
2. Prepare the Swedish Mustard and Dill Sauce below and set aside.
3.. Add a little bit of oil to a pan on a high heat. When the oil starts that hissing sizzling noise it's ready,  place the salmon with the presentation side down in the pan, always away from you so the oil doesn’t splash. After 1 minute turn down the heat to medium. Cook for 3-4 min on each side.
4. Boil water in a big pot, add the broccoli and cook until soft but crispy (3-4min) set aside.
5. Cook the peppers in a skillet until soft but crispy (3-4min), set aside.

Swedish Mustard and Dill Sauce
3 tablespoons Mustard (Dijon preferred but other mustard works as well)
1-2 packets Sweetener
1/3 cup oil 
2 tablespoons Red Wine Vinegar
1 teaspoon cold water
1/2 cup dill
 Salt and pepper 

Mix all the ingredients together until smooth, chop up the dill and add it to the sauce. 

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