Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Tasty Salmon with Asparagus

Tasty Salmon with Asparagus

1 big piece of fresh salmon (you can use frozen as well but it won't be as tasty)
About 20 spears of Fresh Asparagus
Magic Salmon Seasoning
Extra virgin Olive Oil
Salt and Pepper 

1. Rinse the salmon in cold water, keep the skin on. 
2. Brush the salmon with a little bit of Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Season the salmon with Magic Salmon Seasoning (both sides).
3. Rinse the asparagus and cut of the stem. Place in a pan and cook for a few minutes, season with salt and pepper.
4. Add a little bit of oil to a pan. When the oil starts that hissing sizzling noise it's ready,  lay the fish down with the presentation side down in the pan, always away from you so the oil does not splash. Cook for 3-4 min on each side.
5. Place the asparagus on a plate with the salmon on top, garnish with lemon.
6. Serve!

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